Feed our neighbors in need by providing more meals to more people more equitably
- By 2025, we close the meal gap by distributing at least 11.6 M meals annually through food acquisition, distribution, and SNAP enrollment.
- We prioritize child and elder hunger.
- By 2025, the Meals per Person in Need (MPIN) in each of the four counties falls within an equitable range.
- We increase the distribution of healthy food and increase the sources of nutritious food assistance to the Network.*
Lead and engage the community to end hunger
- We steadily cultivate existing and new donors and volunteers to support the Food Bank.
- We inform and educate the public about hunger, its underlying causes and its impact on households.
- We advance the innovations of the Coalition to End Hunger (coalitiontoendhunger.org)
- We lead the Network and the community in advocating for policies that address and end hunger.
- We increase brand awareness of the Food Bank.
Strengthen the Food Bank and the Network to operate responsibly, effectively, safely and sustainably
- We have effective and efficient practices to support the Food Bank and its programs.
- We undertake a successful comprehensive campaign to assure resources to sustain our strategies.
- We use data and technology to inform and implement our strategies and measure effective performance.
- Our employees and board of directors are engaged and committed to the Food Bank’s mission and vision.
- We serve the needs of our Network by facilitating ongoing communication to and from our members.
- We support disaster response best practices with the Network and the community.
- We support the Network to close the Meal Gap.
*The Network – the regional emergency food network composed of members of the Food Bank AND the Food Bank.