A listing of important dates and upcoming events for our member agencies.

Upcoming Events

Bi-Monthly Network Calls

Monthly Network Calls happen the second Thursday at 2pm and the 4th Wednesday at 3pm. Dates and times are posted each week in NewsBites.

2nd Thursdays at 2pm
Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81847725511?pwd=RTE4MEtMeWJKWWprSndzRitvdXdoUT09

Or call (646)558-8656 and use the meeting info below

Meeting ID: 818 4772 5511
Passcode: 611670

4th Wednesdays at 3pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86516436992?pwd=WDlma3RDZkE4eUMxVVp3ajJaSG9IZz09

Meeting ID: 865 1643 6992

Or call (312)626-6799
Passcode: 424199