Our Family Foundation by Stop & Shop supports Mobile Food Bank with $125,000 grant award

Pictured (from left) are Ken Burroughs, Stop & Shop district director; Tom Scott, Stop & Shop store manager; Andrew Morehouse, executive director of The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts, and Denise Darosa, Stop & Shop perishable manager.
Our Family Foundation by Stop & Shop has awarded The Food Bank with a $125,000 grant to support our Mobile Food Bank program. The award comes as part of the grocery chain’s three-year Fighting Child Hunger initiative to increase access to healthy, nutritious food for children in need of healthier diets.
The Mobile Food Bank program brings free, fresh, healthy food directly to underserved communities in our region, ensuring no one goes hungry and everyone has access to healthy food.
“We are thankful for our strong community partner, Our Family Foundation by Stop & Shop,” said Andrew Morehouse, executive director at The Food Bank. “With their support, our Mobile Food Bank program will continue to provide access to fresh, healthy food for families and children in our community.”
In 2016, the Mobile Food Bank program distributed the equivalent of 960,258 meals to more than 28,700 people through 14 sites across western Massachusetts. The program will expand to 26 distribution sites by the end of 2018, providing more food to our neighbors in need. The $125,000 grant award will support the second year of the three-year initiative.