Programs that provide food to food-insecure people in western Massachusetts – including food pantries, community meals, emergency shelters, and food pantries on college and university campuses – are potentially eligible to join the Food Bank’s network of member agencies. Our service area includes Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire Counties.

To ensure we are equitably addressing food insecurity across the region, the Food Bank actively seeks membership applications based on identified needs and food supply.

We are accepting new members from all four counties of western Massachusetts.

Prospective Member Agency Information

Información de la Posible Agencia Miembro

Membership Criteria for Campus Pantries


Overview of criteria for membership

Criteria for public-facing programs whose primary focus is to feed people who are food insecure;

  • Agency must be incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization or recognized as a nonprofit religious organization by the IRS, for at least six months.
  • Agency and program must be located in The Food Bank’s service area.
  • Agency must be legally, fiscally, and programmatically responsible for the feeding program it administers.
  • Feeding program must serve at least 51% clients who are deemed “needy” based on income, means-tested federal or state assistance, or location in a disadvantaged community.

Criteria for pantries on college and university campuses;

  • College/university must be duly recognized as one of the following types of organizations:
    • A public institution of higher education as established under MGL Part I, Title II, Chapter 15A
    • A private non-profit, charitable organization with a 501c3 status, classified as a Public Charity and authorized to grant degrees by the Board of Higher Education or the Massachusetts Legislature
  • College/university must have been incorporated for at least 6 months prior to membership with the Food Bank
  • College/university must be located within the Food Bank’s service area
  • College/university must be legally, fiscally, and programmatically responsible for the program it sponsors

A variety of criteria and documentation must be met as part of the member agency application.  For more information, please contact our Agency Relations department at or 413-247-9738.

If we are not currently accepting programs of your type in your service area, please check our website quarterly for updates.

Banner For Resources for college students

Resources for college students

See our list of college-run pantries and SNAP eligibility information.